Friday, February 28, 2014


Hoo0o0wddy to my fellow southerners, and double H-O-W-D-Y to my fellow TEXANS! It's Go Texan day in the Lone Star State A.K.A one of the best holidays of the year if your lucky enough to call this beautiful state home. God Bless ya.

First things first, a big (Texan) shout out to my hubbs to be in 126 days for getting a new J-O-Bizzle and his first Career of choice job at thiat. I am SO proud of all of his hard work and dedication and for taking my constant nagging worrying about our future and money and everything else. You are a true standard for all the Daddies out there, and I applaud you! Hope today is wonderful xo.

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Venue Visit time is finally here! That means this is the very first time the Mr. is seeing the venue in person. Crazy, I know. But I could not be more excited!! They are having an open house and we will get to sip champs, try out food vendors, parooze flowers and other little pretties and get a gympse of what our wedding just might look like. Eeek, I can't wait!!!

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Did I mention it was Go Texan day??? Yehawwww can be heard echoing down the halls of every office building today, even if "country" just ain't your thang. Today it is. For Everyone. This is also the day that you should avoid any Cavendars, Baskins, Feed Store or Bass Pro Shop like the plague. Any one and their mamas are out getting geared up for the upcoming month and trust me, you don't wanna get caught up in that shizzz. Go Texan day is just the start of what is surly the best month of any Texan, err maybe any Houstonians life. Rodeo month. This weekend is cook off, and then the big shows start rolling in. Your liver and your feet won't want to be associated with you after the hell you put them through in the next 30 days. But oh is it worth, so worth it!

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JACKIE AND KELSO ARE ENGAGEDDDDDDDDDDD!!! Who else has been praying for this since the dawn of time, or at least since That 70's show?? Congrats to those two love birds on thier engagement!  photo ashton-kutcher-mila-kunis-engaged-1_zps15a9ebc9.jpg photo kissheader_zpsd722d82a.jpg


Lip Sync ever? If you've never watched a single Jimmy Fallon skit in your life (stop reading, we are no longer friends you fool) GO WATCH THIS NOW. I'll wait.

Tapping foot.
Watching clock.
Did you do it?? JF is by far one of my biggest celeb crushes. He is insanely hysterical and teamed up with anyone from Joseph Gordon Levitt, to JT to John Krazenski he is a make you pee your pants funny man, and I can't get enough. Every once in a while he does what he calls "Lip Sync Offs" where he challenges his celeb guests to pick 2-3 songs that he/she will lip sync to and they have a battle. I die every time. You never see someone truly let loose as you do when their in the battle. Tears of laughter streaming down my face. I heart you Jimmy.

It's Friday, and if that doesn't make you smile- you're doing it wrong! Go link up- you know you wanna!!  photo 5onFridayLogo-Final-forblogsidemenu_edited-1_zpsc7135cc5.jpg

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wedding WED-nesday

Burr rabbit, its a cold one today in the H! Besides running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, I really spend as much and as little time as possible planning this wedding of mine. So, what better way to feel accomplished than to rope you all into it Here's a little run down of the whats been dones, what needs to be done, the where the hell do I starts and everything in between. Strap on your garter belt- it's gunna be a bumpy one!


Our wedding is being held in July, on Independance Day...In Texas. I think the colors of our wedding are all but shocking, considering.

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Midnight Blue - Ivory- Green

(ok, so this one might be more since we are straying from the Red but hey, I don't want this to look like a walking flag parade!)

Let Them Eat Cake- and Other Delicious Food Choices

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Saturday and Sunday of this week will be filled to the brim with cake tasting and decision making. Will we go with a traditional American wedding cake with 3+ tiers? Will we go the modern route and have a dessert bar filled with candies and cute little cupcakes or will we go way out in left fiend and have a traditional English fruit cake? So far, the latter is not winning. Fruit cake? Really...that does not sound even the least bit appeasing. So far the leading contender in my book (and P's) is a Bavarian Cheesecake. Yall, if you never try antoher cake in your life I swear you won't be sorry. It is AMAZINGGGGG but it ain't cheap- I'm taking around $6.75 A SLICE. Ouch- a little hard to hear with this wedding budget. Oh to dream!


This has probably proven to be one of my hardest items to find. No, I'm not taking about finding an actual florist- I have one. I just can not make up my mind on what I really want. Do I need sprays at the alter where we get married? Do I want the girls to carry all white flowers to better contract against their dresses? Do I want to carry white flowers? I've put off meetings with my florist about 3 times now trying to decide what I want and it's getting down to the wire.

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Love how the green pops

DIY is a PITR (Pain-in-the-rear)

Dear Pinterest Brides,
I envy you.
A. For having the time to do all these little DIY Projects
B. For being so darn crafty it hurts.
C. For displaying your craftiness all over Pinterst leaving me staring at my computer screen drooling over all these neat ideas.

Below are just a couple of the DIY heists I have up my sleeve.

*Chalkboard instagram sign- Duh, I don't think you got married after the year 2011 and didn't have this. Thank you/ Daddy's girl/ Mr. & Mrs. signage

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Love ALL of these signs- all via Pinterest

*DIY Cake Topper- this one is a little scary, but I refuse to spend upwards of $100 bucks on something this small. I just can't.
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Directions to make this found via Pinterest

*burlap wedding banner for our getaway car or just for a few shots of the Bride/Groom.

Being a woman is hard work, I mean HARD. Everything is riding on you as far as making this not look like a total poop-fest. I am trying my darndest to add little personal touches, the must-haves and everything I can all while runnin our household and being neck deep in Baseball season.
What where some of your Must haves or easy way outs for your wedding? I will take ALL Suggestions, please!!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Happy, free, confused and the same time

Who know Taylor Swift was so darn insightful when she thought of this catchy tune? I sure didn't. Does that mean I don't blare the radio and sing/dance around like I'm oh, I don't know...22??? Hell.No. Do you ever have those moments where you feel like you can't believe its this late in the year, and yet at the very same time can't believe it's only this late in the year?? I think I go back and forth every other day with my half full, half empty spiel about the timing of 2014. There are so many moments I want to fast forward to and see how they happen but at the very same second I want to push the pause button on life and remember the exact way I feel at this moment. I can't imagine I am the only one feeling that way? Like, for instance, I don't have baby At.all. and yet lately, any time I watch a short video clip of friends or families little ones doing something for the first time, or just being soft squishy and cute, I get literal tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat the size of Texas. Do I want more kids? Sure- if that's in God's plans for P and I, but for this moment in our life we are over joyed and to the brim with love and adoration for the children we have now. There are no dirty diapers to change, no spit up or bottles or late nights with no sleep. I miss it but am thankful to be free of it at the same time. Right now, life is relatively easy going and routine which is something that I strive for. Routine! My body functions better knowing where I'm going, what I'm doing and when it needs to be done. Having kids vs having small babies gives me that luxury right now. Every once in a while though, when I brush Moosey's hair I swear I can still smell the sweet scent of her brand new skin. And I just started crying. I must be in rare form today. Beyond babies, this year has so much excitement and the fear of falling/failing attached to it. Poo has graduated College as of the end of last year, and is now transitioning into his new career. Thus bringing with it a lot of what if's and a huge leap of faith to follow his dreams and do what he is truly passionate about. We are still so young, (comparatively) and have so much to learn. How do we know what is right for us, for our kids and for our future? We don't. We just have to trust that He does. Finding a home to call our own is proving to be one of the most time consuming projects of the yaer so far. There is so much pressure in finding something that is so perfect for us and mainly for our kids. Is the yard going to be big enough for Juans batting cage? Are the closets going to be deep enough for Mooseys dress-up clothes and toys? Are our neighbors going to be good, Godly people we can relate to? when it all starts to pile up I just take a step back and think- how lucky am I? How lucky am I that these minor details are what concern me? A big backyard, good neighbors, and deep closets? Not are we going to make our bills this month, or will our kids have money for food and clothes. How blessed are we that we have steered clear of any serious health issues in our family, or that we have such a large network of family that are here day in and day out to support Phil and I as parents and guide us along to do right by our children? How blessed are we? 2014 is going to a big, scary, busy year for the soon to be Hares brood and we are terrified and ready. Huh? Yea, I don't know either. All I do know is we've decided to take each and every second and make it count, good or bad. Fail a test? That stinks,try harder and study more for the next one. Lost another 4 lbs since Valentines? Good job fatty, way to stay away from the junk food and eat like a normal human. Didn't get that perfect floral arrangement or the napkins you thought you "always wanted". Their things. And napkins?? That's not even real stuff. Get through the bad and appreciate the good. Make 2014 a year that you can look back on and smile. Not only for how you grew, but how you grieved, and how you changed and how you stayed the same. Life is ebb and flow. Up/down, and sometimes repetitive. Don't take anything for granted- stop wishing away every moment of the day and start embracing them as much as you can. We only get so much. Wow, who knew a catch Taylor Swift song would lead to such a deep post? Not I! Happy Thursday blog-lovas!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I want itttttt

It pretty much never fails- any time I want/need/and looking for something it's either sold out, non existent or wayyy out of this budget-mama's price range.

For the past, oh I don't know three months I've been on the hunt for a red blazer. Not just any red blazer, but a true cherry red blazer, with a silky feel and a simple one button or two button closure. Apparently ever "person" on pinterest has one and they are no longer sold on the planet earth. I drool ever this every time my bestie wears hers and I NEED one of my own! But where?!?!!!!

This is the H&M Blazer I am longing to have, that is no longer sold. tears. (via google)

Neutral/cream color crew neck sweater. Yes, I know J.Crew carries these in Cashmere and they are to die. I get it. But what I don't get, is the insanely high price for these puppies. Is this just one of the items in a girls closet that has to cost more, but is justified? If so, i'm just not there yet!

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You know how every girl (even tomboy ones) have that one classic pair of black heels? Well somewhere along the line I missed the bus on this and only have black patent leather mary jane heels, black patent leather peep toe heels and flats. I need a good pair of basic black (non-patent) leather heels. I have searched high and low and can't find a pair I really love. With wedding season coming up I need to start getting on the ball with the wardrobe- the parties, showers, weddings to attend are really going to call for some new goodies, so maybe this will be the kick in the butt I need to get myself a pair of these babies.

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Can I have these...pretty please!?

I need a Chambray Popover shirt. Like, need it. It seems like the most versatile item right now. Wear it in the summer with some colorful shorts and flips, done. Wear it in winter with black slacks and brown riding boots, duh. Wear it to hang out, run errands, to work dressed up with a skirt. The possibilities seem endless. Except, that I did find this item I so want. At one of my all time favorite places, just sold out in my size. Rude.

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Tell me this isn't super cute and super comfy looking at the same time!?!

I basically just need a shopping spree!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Living in reverse

Zero blog activity in nearly a week again. I'm not quite sure how to explain it other than the fact that the last 7 days have been JAM PACKED with activities and I have had made no time for blogging. I am now becoming the blogger I hate- the keep you hanging for 70 years with nothing to read. I am a blouser (blog-loser) catchy? hmm.. anyways, the past week has been and too fast all wrapped up in one jumbled mess.

Baseball season is in full effect and practice is long and hard (twss?). Juan is doing great at adjusting to the new team dynamics, and is getting right into the swing of things. This season stinks a little for each of us not having the Abbotts here. Their son, Austin is one of Juan's buddies, and his parents are one of the Fiancee' and I's closest couple friends. To say things a little more quite around the ball park is an understatement. More time to focus on Juan and being the crazy mom shouting out from the stands. #noshame

I was also the Mom running to Wal-Mart at 9 p.m. to pickup valentines cards for the kids school. A trip to Michaels, two glue gun burns and a million muttered curse words later and I realized a box of Valentines for $4.99 could not really be topped. Next year Mommy, next year.

Thursday of last week also marked the F I N A L day of my Yeast-Free diet and the return of easy living. I still practice the YF M-F as much as I can, but am allowing myself lenience on the weekends to help me keep my sanity as I plan a wedding, run a family, work full time and house shop. I need alcohol to survive- at least It's Gluten Free- that counts as good, right? Whoever set this YFWM diet up to end the day BEFORE Valentines, is a genius and deserves a nedal. Well played Physician's Preference!

Valentines day was one for the books- per the usual P did not disappoint and I was spoilt from Friday until Sunday with a yummy Lobster/Steak dinner with the kids at Popo's house Friday (My dad's) and then a couples dinner outing Saturday night at Hido's Japanese with five other couples. The food was AMAZINGGGG and I could literally remember every tiny taste of it right now as I type this. Hibachi is easily one of my favorite meals ever. I also got the most romantic card on the face of the planet- It was addressed to "My Wife" with the most amazing note inside about how he is counting down the days until I am "forever his". This man knows my love language- and he knows it WELL!

Saturday we woke up at the crack of dawn to get breakfast in and head to the fields for a 2 hour practice. P and Juan like to get there about 30 minutes early to warm up prior to practicing with the team- It been so great for the boys to get this time in together just the two of them, but giving up 4 hours of your Saturday E V E R Y Saturday for the next 12 weeks is going to take some dedication!

Moosey is going to be a "Sassy Gypsy Moth" in her 1st grade play in a few weeks and I have to not only figure out what the F a Sassy Gypsy Moth is, but also what the hell one would wear. If you have suggestions, please let me know! She has her dress rehearsal next week and I can't really afford to drop the ball on this one.

Also, my son told me last night that my dinner was "bitter". When asked what bitter meant his answer was "like, not very much good flavor??". Thanks buddy. Love you too.

Maybe I'll write something tomorrow, probably not. But I'm trying!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

I heart CCE nights

Since moving in with my future in laws a few months ago (yes, a few monthes ago...)it's no big surprise that having any privacy/alone time is a pretty sparse occurrence. Which is why CCE Monday's have now become my favorite day of the week.

CCE Monday as I've titled it, is nothing special to anyone on the outside. It's a typical Monday filled with a rushed morning a long traffic induced commute and the cliche "Manic Monday" happenings. That is, until 4:45 p.m. Why is that time so special? Because at that moment, for a moment- I am the only soul in the house. The in-laws are at work along with the fiancee, and the kids? Oh, the kids- their at CCE. Add all of these together and you get my "CCE Monday-Funday".

Is it sad that that's now my new look forward? Probably. But I do! I can do anything I want with my new gained 1 hour (some times an hour and fifteen) minutes of pure quiet. Mostly you will find me up to my ears in a piping hot bath, or perusing the aisles of Tar-jay taking my time and looking and touching each and every little thing my heart desires.

But today, on this rainy, dreary Houston bi-polar weather day, I walked into the house. Turned off the alarm. Went upstairs, and sat. Sat still and quiet in the dark for a good 30 minutes with my eyes closed. And just took it in. It's amazing to look internally at your self and see how much you've changed. Years ago I was never a girl you would find alone. I always had plans, and tasks and took pleasure in booking myself to the brim. And yet, here I am sitting the the dark, alone, quietly and just loving every minute of it. Full circle people, full circle.

I don't regret where we are (in the literal or figurative sense) and I understand that this is a season of life that God has mapped out for us. SO I am trying my hardest to take it all in, the shared spaces that bring us closer together, the shared tiny closet with my honey that helps me face my clothes hording tendencies, (oops) and the missed quiet moments and house to our self nigths with Phil that will make them all that much sweeter once we have a home of our own. Until then- I'll settle for my 1 hour Mondays.


For inquiring minds, CCE Moday is a real thing. It stands for Continuing Christian Education (CCE).

Friday, February 7, 2014

My Friday Five!

H A P P Y F R I D A Y!!!

This is finally coming to a close, and I could NOT be more ready for the weekend to get here! Here are my Friday Five.

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This weekend will be spent scouring (sp?) Pinterest for cute/inexpensive/non-time consuming Valentines day cards for my kiddos to hand out at school next week. Two kids with two classes each equals about 6 hours of labor, a bottle of wine and numerous paper cuts. Stay tuned to see the final project next week!


Leave it to good ol' puxatony phil to give us 6 more weeks of this awful "winter" we get here in Texas. In the past 3 weeks we've had temps ranging from 28-79 and at least one "snow day" AKA ice, Hail, Rain and Sleet days that cause schools, businesses and life as we know it to come to a screeching halt. It was fun at first, I mean duh who doesn't want a 4 day work week?? But now, I could go another 4 years without this so called snow.

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I can't remember who for the life of me suggested getting this Essie nail polish, but it is to die! I love it, its the perfect soft pink and what I plan to keep my nails bathed in until wedding week. Loves.

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I'm sendin out out an S.O.S, sendin' out an S.O.S... ok enough of the olides, but on a real note I need H E L P! Hair help that is. I am the first to say I don't know jack-crack about what hair products are good for you and for nearly everything I turn to my trusty Hair dresser Lydia to lead the blind as you would say. But lately, I've been skipping routine hair appointments to try and prolong the blonde and save a little coin in return. The problem is, my hair is JACKED! I'm serious, it's turned into a slick little oil spill of a mess. I almost want to cry out just typing this. I've tried everything- baby powder, corn starch, all-natural shampoos, going longer between washes, etc. NOTHING works. The only thing that has remotely helped is this beaut, Neutrogena Anti- Residue shampoo but you can only use it once a week per the instructions.

Help me, I have bad hair!!!!

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There is less than a month until the start of Rodeo Houston and I am beyond ready. A Jake Owen, Luke Bryan (staple show), Blake, Florida Georgia, and some Maroon 5 sprinkled in the mix? That's what I call a good spring break stay-cation right there my friends!

Wanna join the fun? Head over to Christina's blog and link up! ...You know you wanna!!! ;)

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Totally M.I.A, and for no good reason!

Good morning! I've officially been the worst blogger ever for the past oh, I don't know WEEK! Not a word- not even just a photo post, nothing. Total loser over here, and for no apparent reason. Life has been extra busy and filled to the brim lately. My cup runneth over with wedding planning, weekends spent around the bonfire with great friends and trying my hardest to stick to this ol' YF Diet of mine.

I am currently down 9 lb.s today, and I could not be more thrilled. I feel better, my clothes are getting more comfy and overall I feel like this could be a manageable lifestyle change in a 80/20 capacity. A big thank you goes to the fiance for the big kick in the pants I needed to get the jump start on keeping better track of myself (AKA, proposing to me knowing I would do anything in my power to not be a "fat bride". Well played Mr.Hares, well played.) I would love to say I've been trying new recipes and adding spice to the old eating, but in all honesty i've essentially been eating the same dinners nearly every night. Below is what a typical week looks like for me.

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with 2 turkey sausage patties, and a cup of coffee sweetened with Stevia (Maybe a couple cherry tomatoes if I'm extra hungry)

Snack: Celery with All natural peanut butter

Lunch: Grilled chicken salad with Apple Cider Vinegar, pineapple/coconut flavored water to drink and a tomato or avocado on the side

Snack: A hand full of almonds, Terra chips or apples with all natural peanut butter

Dinner: pan seared chicken or shrimp in a 1/2 tbs butter and some Mrs.Dash, mixed with red/green bells, spinach, white onion and sometimes broccoli or black beans

The dinners I have Every.night. The breakfast/lunches will vary if I don't have what I need or am getting bored. I want to try the turkey tacos with Lettuce "shells" so I think I might actually do that this weekend, the only thing that worries me about it is wanting cheese on top and not getting to have any. I do better to not have the temptation there, so that will be a challenge!

Tuesday marked exactly 150 days, or 5 months until the big I DO's!! I can't believe how quickly this year is passing. I keep having dreams that I am forgetting something H U G E for the wedding, and don't remember until the day of. Talk about worst case scenario for a planners brain. I think I have counted about 25 lists I've made just in the past month alone for the wedding. Obsessive compulsive, guilty. More than anything I am excited to see it all come together, I know no matter what I will enjoy that day and for now I am just trying to relish these days as an engaged couple.

With Valentines coming up in just over a week, I need ideas for something cute/sentimental for the beau and the kids. Do you get your kids Valentines gifts? I Know it seems super cheesy, but it's a tradition my mom started when all of us where younger. My mom literally got us small gifts for every holiday, and even once got my sister and I matching Hanukkah socks. No, we are not Jewish. Lol. That was just how she was, each and Evey Holiday was special and all the big ones (i.e Easter, Christmas, July 4th, Valentines, Halloween) came with gifts and a house full of decorations. I kid you not, this woman has a box of decorations for any and all holidays. It was so fun as a kid, and I want to carry that on to my children. Do you have any holidays/traditions that may be silly or crazy but you do it out of the sense of carrying on the tradition?

That's all I got today- off to save some dummies. Literal ones. Today is my CPR/First Responder training course from 12-5 p.m. Wish me luck~