Monday, February 10, 2014

I heart CCE nights

Since moving in with my future in laws a few months ago (yes, a few monthes ago...)it's no big surprise that having any privacy/alone time is a pretty sparse occurrence. Which is why CCE Monday's have now become my favorite day of the week.

CCE Monday as I've titled it, is nothing special to anyone on the outside. It's a typical Monday filled with a rushed morning a long traffic induced commute and the cliche "Manic Monday" happenings. That is, until 4:45 p.m. Why is that time so special? Because at that moment, for a moment- I am the only soul in the house. The in-laws are at work along with the fiancee, and the kids? Oh, the kids- their at CCE. Add all of these together and you get my "CCE Monday-Funday".

Is it sad that that's now my new look forward? Probably. But I do! I can do anything I want with my new gained 1 hour (some times an hour and fifteen) minutes of pure quiet. Mostly you will find me up to my ears in a piping hot bath, or perusing the aisles of Tar-jay taking my time and looking and touching each and every little thing my heart desires.

But today, on this rainy, dreary Houston bi-polar weather day, I walked into the house. Turned off the alarm. Went upstairs, and sat. Sat still and quiet in the dark for a good 30 minutes with my eyes closed. And just took it in. It's amazing to look internally at your self and see how much you've changed. Years ago I was never a girl you would find alone. I always had plans, and tasks and took pleasure in booking myself to the brim. And yet, here I am sitting the the dark, alone, quietly and just loving every minute of it. Full circle people, full circle.

I don't regret where we are (in the literal or figurative sense) and I understand that this is a season of life that God has mapped out for us. SO I am trying my hardest to take it all in, the shared spaces that bring us closer together, the shared tiny closet with my honey that helps me face my clothes hording tendencies, (oops) and the missed quiet moments and house to our self nigths with Phil that will make them all that much sweeter once we have a home of our own. Until then- I'll settle for my 1 hour Mondays.


For inquiring minds, CCE Moday is a real thing. It stands for Continuing Christian Education (CCE).

1 comment:

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