Thursday, January 30, 2014

Photo An Hour {Link Up}

Good morning everyone! Today is link up day, and for today's link up you will get to see what I do in a typical day. Sounds exciting, I know. But follow the link below and snoop I mean take a peek at the lives of some of your favorite bloggers on a typical day in their shoes. Enjoy!

My Photo An Hour; 01/29/2014

5 : 30 A M
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Wake-up call for this sleeping beauty. Notice how she sleeps on TOP of her covers, with around 15 animals on TOP of her head. yeah, every night.

6 : 30 A M
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Someone is feeling more peppy, and wanting to get in some snuggles before Mom heads off to work. Time to fix that hair (hers, or min...u.o.n.e.o) and head out the door.

7 : 30 A M
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A quick breakfast this a.m. at my desk. Grapes and water, nothing special but I am not really in the mood to eat something too big.

8 : 30 A M
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Go over my agenda (NOTE: If you do not have a Lilly Pulitzer Agenda you are lost. You may not know it yet, but you are. GET ONE!) Make some phone calls to a few reps and get the days plan lined out.

9 : 30 A M
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MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) time. Time to go raid the press room floor and look for any "unsafe" items/actions. I'm basically the safety snitch. Imagine the friends I have at work.

10 : 30 A M
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Start downloading the daily reports. I run around 10 reports in the morning for various accounting functions. Each one takes a good chunk of time to download, and then another chunk of time to format.

11 : 30 A M
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Lunch is served! I didn't really feel like getting out in the cold today, so its lunch at the desk and some Pinterest surfing on the phone for the next hour to relax a little.

12 : 30 P M
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Remember yesterday, when I said I confess I hide? Well, this is me literally hiding from a co-worker yesterday. Yes, I'm under my desk. No, I am not ashamed.

1 : 30 P M
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The cost is clear- seriously that was a little excessive!

2 : 30 P M

Go over Safety Shirt proofs for our upcoming Safety meeting, and book my CPR/First Aid Re-certification class for next week.

3 : 30 P M
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Try to conquer the mountain of paper work remaining on my desk, to be resolved by 4 p.m. Yikes! Luckily it's a lot more resolved than it looks, and it's more finalizing the last step's rather than starting all new stuff this late in the day.

4 : 30 P M
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Ok, this is where you will either fall in love with my Fiancee or hate me. You see, one thing I truly despise is getting Gas. So here is my happy little lover gathering my bags from the car and taking it to get filled up. I swear, he is a saint when it comes to this. I don't even know why I hate gas stations so much, but I do. #sueme

5 : 30 P M
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A quick Target run with the MIL to take a look at their C9 deals and what catches my eye? V A L E N T I N E S D A Y ! !

6 : 30 P M
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Bring home some running clothes goodies for Phil for being such a great man! And also because it was 25% off with my Target Cartwheel. What, like you don't like a good deal too??

7 : 30 P M
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Eat dinner (Turkey Chili not pictured as it looked really strange, but was amazing) and catch up on my Pretty Little Liars I missed Tuesday.

8 : 30 P M
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Tuck kids into bed at 8:30, peek in on said kids at 8:35 to see them clearly passed.the.freak.out. from an exhausting day of school and STARR test prep.

9 : 30 P M
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Mommy Time- A super hot bath with the bathroom lights out, Mahogany Teekwood candle burning, and some soft music playing on Pandora to decompress. I could sit in here for hours!

10 : 30 P M
No Photo taken, but it's finally time to hop in bed and enjoy some R&R with Phil.

So, boring as it is, that's my typical Wednesday! Link up and let us know what a typical day in your life looks like! Be sure to go over to Steph's blog or Meg O.'s Blog to link up and join in on the fun!

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  1. LOL that is SO hilarious that you literally hide under your desk!! HAHA!! And what a sweet guy to do that for you! Love it. Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. Thanks Meg!! It was such a fun linkup, hope yall do it again!! :)
