Thursday, January 30, 2014

Photo An Hour {Link Up}

Good morning everyone! Today is link up day, and for today's link up you will get to see what I do in a typical day. Sounds exciting, I know. But follow the link below and snoop I mean take a peek at the lives of some of your favorite bloggers on a typical day in their shoes. Enjoy!

My Photo An Hour; 01/29/2014

5 : 30 A M
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Wake-up call for this sleeping beauty. Notice how she sleeps on TOP of her covers, with around 15 animals on TOP of her head. yeah, every night.

6 : 30 A M
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Someone is feeling more peppy, and wanting to get in some snuggles before Mom heads off to work. Time to fix that hair (hers, or min...u.o.n.e.o) and head out the door.

7 : 30 A M
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A quick breakfast this a.m. at my desk. Grapes and water, nothing special but I am not really in the mood to eat something too big.

8 : 30 A M
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Go over my agenda (NOTE: If you do not have a Lilly Pulitzer Agenda you are lost. You may not know it yet, but you are. GET ONE!) Make some phone calls to a few reps and get the days plan lined out.

9 : 30 A M
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MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) time. Time to go raid the press room floor and look for any "unsafe" items/actions. I'm basically the safety snitch. Imagine the friends I have at work.

10 : 30 A M
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Start downloading the daily reports. I run around 10 reports in the morning for various accounting functions. Each one takes a good chunk of time to download, and then another chunk of time to format.

11 : 30 A M
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Lunch is served! I didn't really feel like getting out in the cold today, so its lunch at the desk and some Pinterest surfing on the phone for the next hour to relax a little.

12 : 30 P M
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Remember yesterday, when I said I confess I hide? Well, this is me literally hiding from a co-worker yesterday. Yes, I'm under my desk. No, I am not ashamed.

1 : 30 P M
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The cost is clear- seriously that was a little excessive!

2 : 30 P M

Go over Safety Shirt proofs for our upcoming Safety meeting, and book my CPR/First Aid Re-certification class for next week.

3 : 30 P M
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Try to conquer the mountain of paper work remaining on my desk, to be resolved by 4 p.m. Yikes! Luckily it's a lot more resolved than it looks, and it's more finalizing the last step's rather than starting all new stuff this late in the day.

4 : 30 P M
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Ok, this is where you will either fall in love with my Fiancee or hate me. You see, one thing I truly despise is getting Gas. So here is my happy little lover gathering my bags from the car and taking it to get filled up. I swear, he is a saint when it comes to this. I don't even know why I hate gas stations so much, but I do. #sueme

5 : 30 P M
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A quick Target run with the MIL to take a look at their C9 deals and what catches my eye? V A L E N T I N E S D A Y ! !

6 : 30 P M
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Bring home some running clothes goodies for Phil for being such a great man! And also because it was 25% off with my Target Cartwheel. What, like you don't like a good deal too??

7 : 30 P M
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Eat dinner (Turkey Chili not pictured as it looked really strange, but was amazing) and catch up on my Pretty Little Liars I missed Tuesday.

8 : 30 P M
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Tuck kids into bed at 8:30, peek in on said kids at 8:35 to see them clearly passed.the.freak.out. from an exhausting day of school and STARR test prep.

9 : 30 P M
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Mommy Time- A super hot bath with the bathroom lights out, Mahogany Teekwood candle burning, and some soft music playing on Pandora to decompress. I could sit in here for hours!

10 : 30 P M
No Photo taken, but it's finally time to hop in bed and enjoy some R&R with Phil.

So, boring as it is, that's my typical Wednesday! Link up and let us know what a typical day in your life looks like! Be sure to go over to Steph's blog or Meg O.'s Blog to link up and join in on the fun!

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

An I Confess Sesh...

Just a quick list of the things currently weighing on my chest. Enjoy.

I Confess...
I have been a horrible blogger. Non-5 day work weeks due to weather and 2 kids with cabin-fever from staying indoors has left me mentally drained. Not to mention the time I do have free is spent in bed cuddled up to two sweet kiddos and hunk of a future husband. Who has time to write with all that jazz going on?

I Confess...
Sometime I hide at work when I knew people I don't particularly care for are looking for me. That may sound awful, but you should meet these people. I used to hid around the office to purposely scare the be-Jesus out of my co-workers, good times, good times. Now, I just hide anytime I hear the shoes of my foes trolling down the hall. Yeah, I know their step sounds..sue me.

I Confess...
Trying to plan a wedding would be a lot more fun with endless funds. Where you at cash cow? Ma'am needs a Colin Cowley miracle to appear and POOF my dream wedding is planned. And paid for. Please?

I Confess...
Trying to appease everyone is really starting to eat at me. I am human- you will not agree with every ounce of everything I do. I get it. I don't care. You should not either. Please stop judging every step I take, or don't take.

I Confess...
Watching my Fiance's waist size drop is not nearly as "inspiring" as I thought it would be. Mainly it makes me grouchy and jealous that it's coming so easy for him. Don't get me wrong, I love the new sexy, slim him- I just wish I could blink and make it work that great for me too. #helpmeimfat

I Confess...
My kids have grown into full on human pre-teens over night. No, their not old enough to be pre-teens...not yet. But I hear more "totes" and "Is this for realz?" In a day that I feel I should. I'm not ready for this. Please go back to asking for princess/ ninja turtle coloring books and crayons for Christmas instead of the new I-phone and to "Download some music you chill to". Please just stop. Stop. You are 7 and 8 (almost 7 and 9) which already kills me, I can not have you just straight to 15 and 16 over night.

I Confess...
I have been a not so fun mate to have lately. I don't seem to be making any time for just the fiancee and I like I used too, and the time we do have together I seem to be harassing him with requests for help, or asking him questions that I usually already know the answers to. I am trying his patience, and I can see it in his face. I need to make a serious effort to be more loving and understanding and most importantly being thankful for what we have today, in stead of praying for what I want to get tomorrow.

I Confess...
Clear American "Pineapple Coconut" zero calorie water from Wal-Mart of all places. is my current vice. I love it, so much. So much that I hardly even notice that the daily Diet Cokes I used to have are now no existent M-F! Serious, this water is life changing. Its that good. Its not too sweet, but not to blah either. Try it, you will love it I promise!

I Confess...
Today has been my Photo An Hour data collection day for tomorrow's link up with Steph, and Meg O. and yet every time my alarm goes off I think "what the hell is that going off for?!?!" I mean literally, every hour. It's sad. #Blondemoments.

I Confess...
It's almost Valentines day. Like in 16 days. And I'm probably one of the most annoying people you will ever meet (err, read) for saying this, but I.Can.Not.Wait. I love V-day. I love Card. I love Candies. I love flowers. I love Red Wine. And so on, and so on. This day was made for people like me, and thankfully to the high heavens there are men like Phil to appease women like me. He is the B E S T V-day date/gift gifer/ lover. Everything.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Engagement photos part 2!!

As promised here are some more shots from Sunday's photo sesh. These ones probably make me smile the biggest because it legit looks like we are being followed around with out knowing it. No...maybe? What ever, that's how it felt looking at them the first time. I just spoke to Fernando this morning to thank him again for the wonderful photos and he brought up a good point. As beautiful as these photos are, they don't quite capture who "we" are in whole. You see, Phil and I are not just a him and a me... we really are a we. With Wee little ones (not really, their literally almost half way through elementary now) but you get the point. We are not complete with out them, and it just doesn't feel right to not have them in these photos. One of the biggest reasons I gave love a second chance and took the leap of faith in hoping for a future with Phil was because of his deep and true love for my kids.

So what does that mean?? Oh, just that we've now scheduled photo shoot number 3! Yea...we're a little crazy. Call me nuts if you will, but having professional photos of you and your beau, plus the bonus of having some with ya'll as a whole, with the other halves of your heart is never a bad thing in my book. I honestly started to tear up a little realizing how amazing it will be to capture this moment the real way it is- with all of us. But for now, we have these beautiful mementos of just the two of us.


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(The picture above and below were taken at a very sketch park in Downtown Houston, where we (Swear on my life) had real life crack heads shooting up not 10ft away....creeeepppy)

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That pretty much wraps that up! There where a little over 100 total photos taken at the shoot, but most where different angles of the ones above. I loved how they turned out, and am even more excited to see whats to come!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Engagement Photo sneak peak!

They're here!!!! We got our proofs back last night and I don't think I was even ready for how much I love them. Yes there are a few things I would like to change- and yes, I honestly regret not getting my make-up professionally done if even just to have my eyes pop more. Lesson learned. All in all I am very happy and am looking forward to having some of these
beauties hanging up in our home very soon!

Without further adieu, here are a few of my favorites from Sundays shoot.

DISCLAIMER; About 90% of these photos are of us kissing/showing affection. If that bothers you, please feel free to move along. I promise- no hurt feelings here ;)

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There are 100000 more but for now, this all I can do. Tomorrow I'll post part 2 with our "casual outfits". What do you think? How many photo shoots is too many for engagements? We are working on #2 here and who knows what will happen between now and July! Maybe I'll take more and just not share/shove them in any ones face. Opinions?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Weekend Recap

Since the kids (and the lucky few who got MLK Day) were off Monday, I'm going to go ahead and pretend that it didn't even happen...any objections? Yea, didn't think there would be!

We didn't end up going to Fogo this weekend (insert sad face here) however I did have one of the best Ladies night's I've had it MONTHS! It was much needed girl talk, and hanging out which almost ended in a super fun slumber party. I say almost because sadly my love was struck with food poisoning and i had to rush home at THREE A.M. to take care of him. There really is nothing worse than food poisoning is there? Which is why we took Fogo off the table and decided we will try again maybe next month (After the 30YF diet!)

Saturday I woke up around 11 ( nearly afternoon) got showered and dressed and when out to have some lunch and shopping time with the MIL and SIL while she was in town. Since I woke up so late, I skipped breakfast and when lunch rolled around I ordered a dressing free chicken salad and water to try my hardest to stick to my diet. The salad came and it was AWFUL..the salad itself was not too bad, but the chicken was so disgusting! I had zero apatite after only 3 bites. When we left lunch I was feeling fine, not too hungry so I figured I would be good until we could stop at Target for some fresh veggies. We walk into TJ Maxx (The Mecca of bargain shopping) and about 10 minutes in I start feeling very light headed, dizzy and confused. My MIL was concerned and ran to get me a sugary drink and something to coat my stomach. It was awful, but probably what I get for eating little to nothing that day! Needless to say they brought me home where Phil could take care of me. LOL. We literally just lazed around the house watching movies and going in and out of sleep. Nothing amazing but it was so needed.

Sunday was spent roaming around downtown Houston with Fernando (Our photographer) looking for fun/interesting shoot sites and trying to capture as many fun photos as we could without being robbed, stabbed or run over. I kid you not- I am no City Mouse- I honestly don't think I could live downtown if it was free. I love my wide open spaces and a friendly neighbor here and there.

I love taking photos, but i will say when a professional is involved is a whole different monster than when you and your girlfriends are taking group pics. For one, you don't see at all- until their done. Talk about nerve racking!! I am an instant satisfaction type of girl, and even when you have a professional telling you "these look great, good job" sometimes you have to see it, to believe it. Which will hopefully be tonight! Eeeek!!

Stay tuned tomorrow to see what/if any we get back!! :)

Friday, January 17, 2014

My first ever Friday-Five

Today I'm linking up with April (Or at least I am trying too...)
to give you my Friday-five.

Today marks 5 days down of this whole healthy living- lifestyle change thing I have going on and so far I am down 3.5 lbs and having less and less headaches from caffeine withdrawal. Thank you sweet baby Jesus! It's also day 3 of my work out implementation and so far so good. I am not nearly where I need/want to be, but I am that much closer than yesterday.

So my Fiance's sister is in town this weekend so we are going to dinner Saturday night to celebrate Poobear's college graduation (She was on vacation and was not able to attend) as well as my FIL's birthday that was last weekend by having dinner at Fogo De Chao. As excited as I am to go (I hear it's wonderful!) I am also terrified that the old me will bust through the doors of this restaurant, and devour everything in sight. Here's to wishing for self control! Just look how yummy that looks!!!

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As many of you know I am currently in the mists of planning my wedding. (side note...only 168 days until I am officially Mrs. Hares) and here's my biggest dilemma. Cake. The weekend prior to my "lets not be a fat bride" weight loss journey began, it was at the Houston bridal extravaganza
and got to taste the most a-mazing Bavarian Cheesecake EVER. Ever. It's from a local bakery called the Bavarian Cakery and I just booked our first cake tasting in a few weeks to let Phil get his paws on a piece of this heaven! The twisted part is that I won't even be able to try any at the appointment! :'( What we do to look good ladies! All I need to do is get the man-candy on board with it and we are good to go. Otherwise, it's back to the hunt for the perfect cake!

Spring baseball season starts back up in just one short month, which means 3 days a week watching this guy
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play his heart out for the love of the game. I love spring baseball- and watching how with each passing season my son grows at both skill and love of the game! We've stuck through with the same coach for the past 7 seasons and I can't imagine having to ever leave Coach Casey. He has been there through all the up's and down's with our boys, and been such a mentor. Sports are always that much more worth it when you have an amazing coach!

Sunday we are taking our engagement session (part 2) and I could not be more excited. You see, our last engagement photo session turned out to be a dud. Let me take that back- they actually gave us some very beautiful photos, but the weather was SO SO against us. Rainy, grey and just not what was ideal for the "rustic, country outdoor" photos we were looking for. Our photographer is a saint, and saw how desperately sad I was that we could not get more of the shots I had in mind, and agreed to do a re-do pro-bono. And this is the weekend forecast! Woo0ohoo!!

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Enjoy your weekend's!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 3 of my YF diet...

so, I'm three days in on one of the hardest diet lifestyle changes of my life. Giving up on Diet Coke I was sure, would be my downfall but funny enough I don't even crave it anymore. I would honestly say, the hardest part for me would have to be giving up Tortillas.

Tortillas deserve their own place at the top of the food pyramid in my book. I love them. Alot! The go with everything, they make my 2nd favorite food, Tacos and they can be eaten solo or dipped in salsa. Yummmmm. So going sans tortas for 30 days is proving to be a challenge that I know I will have to struggle to get through. Thankfully the meals I do/ can still eat are really yummy and packed with tons of things I like, and I've even started drinking tons more water just out of habit which is helping with my ever occurring kidney issues. My main staples have been Grilled chicken breast with steamed squash and zucchini, steak with a side of pico and half of an avocado and celery with all natural peanut butter at snack time. Most of the items I ate all the time anyways, Ive always been a big fruit and veggie lover so that didn't really change much- it was teaching myself to plan ahead so I would not fall in to the trap of doing what was "Easy" and eating junk from a bag or fast food.

ALl in all, I would say the diet is starting to prove that your body is based 90% off of what you eat. Im going to start adding in light exercise (walking, jogging, squats, lunges) starting today. It really helps that the fiance has started working on his "wedding body" too so we can encourage each other to keep up with workouts and healthy eating hobbits. He's not on the YF with me, and to be honest thinks there is 0% chance I can do it (Now I HAVE to prove him wrong) but he supports me none the less.

I'm thankful I started this in January and don't have any wedding festivities planned for the next 30 days making it that much easier to stay true to it. How is the diet going for you? What tips/tricks do you have to keep strong when first starting out on the healthy living challenge?

Monday, January 13, 2014

2014- Yeast Free With Me- Day 1

So, I've decided to do it. To better myself for Me. I have put a lot of thought into what I was willing to change in 2014. This is, of course one of the most eventful years of my life to date, so I wanted to kick it off with a new- healthy me.

I've been a daily reader of, this amamzing gem of a blog for a little over 3 years now, and up until recently that's all I was- a reader. I was always a in-the-crowd cheerleader. I never commented, I never gave feedback- I just read along and silently cheered for her through all her ups and downs. Last week Steph issued a "challenge" as she does every January, and for some reason it just registered with me. I shot her an email begging for more information and was met with open arms (via email). I knew after reading it, this was what would kick start the change for me in 2014.

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I have now signed up to be part of the "Yeast Free 30 day Challenge" with Physicians Preference for their support through my 30 day YF challenge. The first two weeks are going to be the hardest- and for a fruit lover like myself, it my actually kill me. BUT, I have been assured that the pros far out weigh the cons!

So, I'm doing it! I'm making the promise to myself to take the 30 day challenge, and see where it leads me. My ultimate goal would be to complete this 30 day challenge, and go on to live a 80/20 lifestyle all the way through to the wedding day in July. Again, this is just DAY 1- so I don't want to get too far ahead of myself!

So far today, my food intake had consisted of this:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with salsa + Water

AM Snack: 1/2 a Larabar (Peanut butter cookie)

Lunch: Roasted Chicken breast + 1/2 raw bell pepper dipped in Garlic Hummus

My after noon snack is going to be a hand full of Cashews, and for dinner tonight I have steamed broccoli, grilled chicken and black beans. I'm feeling full, and pretty impressed with myself for making it to 2 p.m. and not having a single caffeinated drink. ( I typically drink a Diet Coke EVERY-SINGLE-DAY with lunch...and sometime more than that). That's a big thumbs up to me!!

What changes are you going to make to better yourself for 2014??

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